Tag: NHL lockout odds

Photo by cerebusfangirl

Odds still favour an NHL season

It’s now Day 72 of the NHL lockout and little progress towards a resolution has been made. Despite a growing concern among hockey fans that the entire NHL season could soon be cancelled, online sportsbook bodog.ca has posted odds favouring a resolution.

While it’s no substitute for betting on a game, those looking for a little NHL-related action can bet on the following question and corresponding odds (as of 3 p.m. ET on November 26):

Will the entire 2012-2013 NHL Season be cancelled because of a lockout?
Yes: +110 (11/10 or 2.10)
No: -150 (2/3 or 1.67)

In order to force a deal through legal stick handling, it increasingly looks like the NHLPA will decertify. In relation to this possibility, oddsmakers at bodog have posted odds on the following question:

Will the NHL Players Union decertify before January 1, 2013?
Yes: -140 (5/7 or 1.71)
No: EVEN (1/1 or 2.00)

Click here to see more odds at bodog